I can see this page is going to be pretty full, as we all know what teens are like cos we have been there ourselves
For general family issues please click on Family

  • Be open with your kids show them you genuinely care about them and their feelings and you'll find that in time they will respond and open up and talk to you.
It doesn't matter what the age of you child/children it's never too late or early.
Whether it's about puberty, feelings, school, working, opposite sex or friends.
Make sure you listen though and understand where they are coming from, try and put yr self in there shoes or try and relate their situation to something that may have happened to you and see if that helps.

  • If they do need help offer them advice and if it comes to the crunch and you don't know what to do suggest to your child to talk to some one else like a year adviser or school counselor, there are also help lines set up to offer free advice. Here in Australia we have both a kids and parents help line. You may not have helped them directly but you showed them another way and they will respect you for this. 

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  • Take an interest in your Childs likes without going overboard; mention you heard their favourite band has a new song or that a new movie is coming out starring their favorite actor. Little things like this show them you are interested in them and their likes you might even find they will return the favor.