under this title I have sub titles, to suit each range, teens, babies etc

  • Take time out for yourself and also parents have a night away from the kids to have dinner, just remember the kids need a break from you as much as you need a break from them.

  • Every 3 or 4 months have a family meeting and allow every one to have a whine without consequences. This includes parents.
    Suggestions could be "tell us something about one person who you are upset with and why?" or "What has annoyed you in this household and why?"

  •  Get yr kids involved in family activities, it creates a special bond and they love it

  • Free things to with yr kids - ask them to come up with ideas you'll be amazed at what they actually know

  •  When going out for the day take a packed meal and drinks we use a supermarket chiller bag ($3). This saves not only money but waiting in lines at counter and supermarkets this great idea doe long train trips as food can be expensive on trains

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  • Applying for a new job?  Things you may want consider, look more into things like read up on the new company will they allow me the days off I want? Does the new job work  hours run into personal commitments already set in place, am I away from home at all, is there a company car if so what are the stipulations in using it and would it be easier/better using my own.. You may find that the company doesn’t have the benefits that your job now does and those benefits far out weight the small rise in pay