for advice and tips on Kids between baby and teen years
For general family issues please click on Family

  • Teach kids to do cooking and cleaning (chores) from a youngish age, they will learn to look after their selves when they do move out it also teaches them responsibility.
I had to learn a lot of things myself and it was really hard when I first started out.
Start out with simple things like setting the table, wiping up dishes, feeding animals etc then work them up to things like washing clothes and cooking a meal. It seems cruel I know but its much crueler sending them on their own not knowing how to cook a simple meal! Trust ME!
Try and make it fun for them like saying "it's your turn to cook so you get to choose what for tea", also encourage them with a small amount of chore money a day, if chores don't get done they don't get paid.
Plus if you get sick I am sure your kids would love to help you

  • If yr kids love dessert at night but tend to go through loads, get them to start using small cups. I used to go through 4 litre of ice cream a week now it last up to near 3 weeks and it's actually better for them 

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  • Be open with your kids show them you genuinely care about them and their feelings and you'll find that in time they will respond and open up and talk to you.
It doesn't matter what the age of you child/children it's never too late or early.
Whether it's about puberty, feelings, school, working, opposite sex or friends.
Make sure you listen though and understand where they are coming from, try and put yr self in there shoes or try and relate their situation to something that may have happened to you and see if that helps.

  • If they do need help offer them advice and if it comes to the crunch and you don't know what to do suggest to your child to talk to some one else like a year adviser or school counselor, there are also help lines set up to offer free advice. Here in Australia we have both a kids and parents help line. You may not have helped them directly but you showed them another way and they will respect you for this.

  • Take an interest in your Childs likes without going overboard; mention you heard their favourite band has a new song or that a new movie is coming out starring their favorite actor. Little things like this show them you are interested in them and their likes you might even find they will return the favor.

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  • Electronic games such as PS2s, DSs, Xboxes are very addictive and it can be hard to pry your children away. I know all about this as my son was and still is in a way addicted..So much so he done something wrong and we grounded him for a day from tv and games he was totally lost and didnt know what to do, yet he has rows of books, loads of other toys to play with..So from then on we decided to limit the amount of tv and games he was alowwed a day.. Things have improved a lot since doing this.. He is more active, he doesn't look as tired and drained and we actually get him more involved on conversations.  we also make sure that we limit the amount of games and movies he gets for Christmas and Birthdays...